Nagpur News: Nagpur Municipal Corporation now falls under the Mumbai Municipal Corporation (MMC )Act , having lost the special status provided to it by the CNC (City of Nagpur Corporation ) Act. While the implementation process of the new law has already begun, officials are to be briefed about the new laws and responsibilities by the Under- Secretary of the State Urban Development Department at the Town Hall on 29th December.
The CNC Act was implemented as a special Act for Nagpur, the formerly the capital of Madhya Pradesh, when it was shifted to Maharashtra in 1948. The laws and procedures of Nagpur Municipal Corporation were thus entirely different from those of all other Municipal Corporations in the state.
According to the new law, all present committees functioning in NMC today are to be dissolved, and two fresh committees are to be constituted in their place- the Instrumental Committee and Transport Committee.
The 16- member Instrumental Committee is to have great decision- making authority and will be keeping an eye on all Standing Committees. While the powers of the Municipal Commissioner won’t be significantly curtailed, the powers of Corporators will be increased to a great extent. A Corporator can now demand that any information or data be submitted to him/ her within seven days of asking the administration.
NMC is now also required to conduct a General Body Meeting before the 20th of each month to review and discuss issues as per a pre- decided agenda.