Nagpur: The 12th oath and installation ceremony of JCI Nagpur Pharma was held & the new team has been installed in a glittering ceremony held at Nakshatra Hall on the January 8 at 6.00 pm. Ashwin Mehadia , President of Nag Vidarbh Chamber of Commerce was the chief guest , while trainer motivational speaker, and Past Zone President, Zone IX JCI SEN Mukesh Ashar was the key-note speaker, Zone IX Vice-President Swaraj Tembhe was the Installation Officer.
JCI Nagpur Pharma is one of the youngest and most active LOM of Central India. JCI Nagpur Pharma is one amongst Platinum Star Chapters in JCI India and has established its name in the city as well as in National and International scene by completing 100 percent efficiency criteria since from 9 years.
The newly elected governing board members comprise Jc Prem Mundhada (President), Jc Ritesh Ramani as IPP , Jc Ritesh Mishra (Secretary), Jc Jash Thakkar (VP Management), Jc Onkar Kewalramani (VP Individual), Ayush Kedia (VP Business), Jc Chirag Harwani (VP Community), Jc Rohit Lakhani (VP Sports), JC Varun Rughani (VP International), Jc Ashish Tiwari (Treasurer),Jc Rahul Chandak (Joint Secretary), JC Jayesh Bhojwani (Director MO), Jc Nilesh Wawge (Director International), Jc Ruchita Mohata (Director individual), Jc Reena Shahu (Director CO), Jc Ravi Ahuja (Director BO) Jc Amogh Deshpande (PRO), Jc Govind Sobti (Dir. youth Empowerment),Jc Shubh Oberai (Director G&D), Jc Shyam Jangir (Editor), Lady Jc Ritu Kriplani as Lady Jc Chairperson, Lady Jc Ruby Agrawal as Lady Jc Secretary, Jc Shourya Jindal as Jrjc Chairperson, Jc Palak Gupta as Jrjc Secretary.
The chief guest Ashwin Meahadia , President NVCC, Nagpur addressed the gathering regarding the active participation of Jci Nagpur Pharma for the welfare of the society and personal development of members.
Keynote speaker and motivator of Zone IX Jci Sen. Mukesh Ashar was prominently present and graced the evening with his motivating ideas and boosted the moral of new members of Jci Nagpur Pharma and also appreciated the chapters working. He also suggested that how to do more programs for the welfare of the society, so that benefit of JCI philosophy can be percolated to more number of people.
Zone Vice President Region-B JC Swaraj Tembhe gave oath to the new members of JCI Nagpur Pharma and asked them to follow principles of JCI. President 2023 Prem Mundhada said Thanks to entire LGB team for generous support and requested all the Governing Board Members to give their valuable suggestions when and where required to take this chapter to its great heights.
Past President Veerbhan kewalramani, Hetal Thakkar, Atul Pethia, Nikunj Shahu, Khemchand Balani, Karan Motwani, Arvind Agrawal, Bhushan Mundadha, Ashish Khatri, Manoj Jindal & Ritesh Ramani. Senior member Madan Deshpande, Jc Manoj Kedia, Jc Sandip Kedia, Jc Vikas Harwani, Ritesh Dixit, JC Vikas Oberoi, Jc Govind Rughani, Jc Naresh Dembla, Naresh Agrawal, Jc Amit Kriplani, Jc Amish Shahu, Jc Abhishek Namdeo, Jc Bharat Amarnani, Jc Vishal Pandey and many more were present at the event.
Formal vote of thanks was proposed by Jc Ritesh Mishra.