Nagpur: Following the lead provided by arrested accused, the Crime Branch on Thursday nabbed a Nigerian national who was supplying high-grade cocaine to the addicts. The cops have seized 41 grams of cocaine worth Rs 2.46 lakh from his possession.
The Crime Branch had on January 28 arrested Parag Narayan Samani (28), a native of Mumbai, on the charges of possessing cocaine. During questioning, Parag told cops that a Nigerian national used to supply the heady stuff to him. Cops told Parag to make a call to the Nigerian and ask him to come to Nagpur to supply cocaine. The plan worked as the Nigerian national, identified as Sandy Igve Nvangu (35), native of Mumbai, arrived in the city to supply cocaine to Pawan not knowing that Pawan was already under custody. The Crime Branch sleuths laid a trap near Manas Chowk and surrounded the Nigerian. Seeing cops, he tried to escape the spot but was chased and nabbed.
Upon frisking, cops have seized 41 grams of high-grade cocaine worth Rs 2.46 lakh, 3 mobile handsets, and cash of Rs 200o from him. His passport was also impounded.
Earlier, cops had seized 55 grams of cocaine worth Rs 3.30 lakh from Pawan.