Nagpur: The controversial BJP leader Munna Yadav continues to be in the headlines for one dubious reason or another. After his two sons were arrested on the charges of assaulting and threatening a cricket match official during a match under Khasdar Krida Mahotsav, the Nuisance Detection Squad (NDS) of Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC) demolished a pandal set up at Laxmi Munna Yadav’s residence on Wednesday. The pandal was obstructing free movement of people on the road coming under Laxmi Nagar Zone.
The NDS not only demolished the pandal but also recovered a fine of Rs 2000.
Recently, the Pratap Nagar police had arrested the two sons of BJP leader Munna Yadav on the charges of assaulting and threatening a cricket match official Amit Hoshing. The cricket match, part of Khasdar Krida Mahotsav, was played at Chhatrapati Nagar on Thursday, January 19. During the match, two sons of BJP leader Munna Yadav created havoc by thrashing the cricket match official.