Nagpur News : Day after Dr Yashwant Ambatkar made a serious allegation against his own party leaders was on Thursday ousted from the Bharatiya Janata Party by city president Krishna Khopde. Husband of the NMC’s hospital committee chairperson Dr Yashwant Ambatkar had made a string of serious allegations against former standing committee chairperson Sandeep Joshi and a few NMC officials. He also dragged MLA Devendra Fadnavis
Dr ambatkar had alleged that medicines were being purchased at 10 times their market price by NMC hospitals and the NMC was bearing heavy losses due to this.
Ambatkar accused deputy director of Health Dr Ganvir and medical officer Dr Savita Meshram had issued orders to purchase 10,000 dog bite vaccines. Sandeep Joshi was NMC standing committee at the time.