Published On : Fri, Mar 24th, 2017

NMC issues health advisory to prevent & control Swine Flu


With the dreaded Swine Flu likely to make its ugly presence felt during conducive summer months the Nagpur Municipal Corporation has issued a health advisory asking citizens and hospitrals to take preventive and controlling measures to curb spread of the disease.

The local body has divided Swine Flu in three categories:

  1. Mild fever (below 38 centigrade), cough, sore throat, body ache, headache, loose motions, vomiting are symptoms then there is no need to start taking Oseltamivir (Tamiflu).
  2. If abovementioned symptoms with acute throat sore, swelling and fever more than 38 centigrade, then swab of select high risk patients can be taken and dosage of Oseltamivir (Tamiflu) can be started.
  3. Above symptoms and short of breathing, chest pain, blood in cough, low blood pressure, nails turning bluish black, kids feeling irritation and sleepy, admittance in hospital, need to send swab to laboratory for chemical analysis.

High-risk persons:

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  • Pregnant mothers, 2) Diabetics, 3) Kidney ailments, 4) High blood pressure, 5) Cancer, 6) Asthma, 7) Heart ailments, 8) Liver, Lungs, urinary bladder, 9) low immunity, 10) children below five years, 11) Citizens above 65 years, 12) Steroid consumers, and 13) Weak sensation.

The dos for prevention of Swine Flu:

  • Wash hands by soap and clean water frequently.
  • Nutritious intake.
  • Stay six feet away from Swine Flu patients.
  • Keep hand kerchief while coughing and sneezing.
  • Sleep well/ drink water sufficiently
  • Consume lemons, sweet lemons, oranges, green vegetables.

The don’ts:

  • Avoid handshakes
  • Don’t spit at public places
  • Don’t take medicines without doctor’s advise.
  • Don’t mingle in crowds if suffering from Swine Flu symptoms

The GMCH, Mayo Hospital have been equipped with necessary measures to deal with Swine Flu with admittance and treatment facilities. Testing facility is also available in NMC hospitals. NMC has set up testing centres in 11 hospitals and some private hospitals have been authorised by State Government, a media release issued by NMC Health Officer Dr Ashok Chivhane said.
