Nagpur: Faced with the increasing menace of stray dogs in Nagpur city, the Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC) has purchased ten vans in order to control the growing population of stray dogs. However, the NMC is still waiting for funds despite receiving approval for a proposal worth Rs 17 crore for dog sterilisation operations, despite the fact that the number of stray dogs has increased dramatically to over two lakh in the city.
The court had passed strictures against the NMC for doing nothing to control the scourge of stray dogs over the last eight years. It only made statements and promises but did nothing in practice. When people do not raise their voices, it forgets.
In the absence of sterilisation operations, the number of stray dogs has risen to over two lakh in the last two years, with the Corporation having no control over the animals. NMC had submitted a proposal to the State Government for Rs 17 crore, but the funds have yet to arrive.
In the recent budget, the NMC Administrator made no provision for dog operations. There is always a rabies vaccination shortage in government hospitals. Meanwhile, the Corporation only had one van to capture stray dogs, but it has now purchased one for each of the ten zones.
However, reliable sources claim that the vans will be useless as long as operations are carried out.