Nagpur: Under the campaign “Mulgi Vachva Jag Vachva” (Save Girl Save World), the Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC) has organized a competition. The NMC has appealed different Ganesh Mandals to participate in the competition and give a boost to the campaign. The Ganesh Mandals can depict the importance of girl child through various slogans, decorative topics and scenes at their Ganesh installation sets. Those Ganesh Mandals who wish to participate in the contest can collect the entry forms from Nodal Officer, PCPNDT, NMC at Dick Hospital, VIP Road, Dharampeth. The Mandals having the best of the messages on “Mulgi Vachva Jag Vachva” and bagging maximum marks on other aspects will be given prizes as follows:
• First Prize: Rs 10,000
• Second Prize: Rs 7,500
• Third Prize: Rs 5,000
The timing of receiving the entry forms: 9 am to 2 pm on all working days.
The entry forms are to be submitted at Dick Hospital, VIP Road, Dharampeth. The last date of submission of forms is September 22.