Nagpur: Chaos erupted at IT Park area in Nagpur on Thursday afternoon as three teams from the Nagpur Municipal Corporation’s (NMC) Enforcement Department, led by Enforcement Superintendent Sanjay Kamble, arrived simultaneously to take action against illegal encroachments. This was not the first instance of strict enforcement in the area — earlier, the department had deployed towing vans to seize food stalls operating unlawfully.
On Thursday, the squads took action against more than 50 encroachments, particularly targeting food stalls that primarily operate at night. Keeping this in mind, the enforcement teams continued their operation until 9 pm. The crackdown covered areas including Jaitala, Subhash Nagar, IT Park, Mate Chowk, Trimurti Nagar Chowk, Pratap Nagar Chowk, Deonagar Square, and surrounding localities.
Dilapidated buildings demolished
While three teams were engaged in the anti-encroachment drive across various locations, other squads focused on operations in the Dharampeth and Gandhibagh zones. In the Gandhibagh zone, action was taken against a dilapidated building owned by Diwakar Kawde on Dharaskar Road near the City Post Office in Itwari. Despite receiving a notice from NMC on June 8, 2021, under Section 264 of the Maharashtra Municipal Corporation Act, 2012, the owner had failed to demolish the crumbling structure. On Thursday, the NMC squad intervened, using a JCB machine to demolish parts of the unsafe building.
Additionally, in the Dharampeth zone, an anti-encroachment drive was conducted from Sitabardi to Jhansi Rani Square. Illegally constructed stalls and shops encroaching on roads and footpaths were removed along both sides of the stretch from Panchsheel Chowk to Mehadia Chowk.