Nagpur: The Transport Department of Nagpur Municipal Corporation on Saturday presented a budget for 2017-18 to the Chairman of Transport Committee Bunty Kukde. The budget shows 25456.33 lakh as revenue and Rs 25445.05 lakh as expenditure with surplus of Rs 11.28 lakh.
In the meeting held on Saturday, Transport Manager Shivaji Jagtap presented the Transport Department’s budget for 2017-18 to the Chairman Bunty Kukde. The budget was approaved unanimously by the Transport Committee.
The meeting was attended by members Abhiruchi Rajgire, Archana Pathak, Kalpana Kumbhalkar, Vaishali Rohankar, Ujwala Sharma, Narendra walde, NMC Secretary Harish Dubey, Chief Finance and Accounts Officer Madan Gadge, and others.