No 2 Mah Air Sqn NCC, Nagpur witnessed a change of command on 30 Nov 18. Gp Capt Yogesh Pai handed over the command of No. 2 (Mah) Air Sqn NCC to Wg Cdr D Bharath in a formal ceremony in the Unit premises.
Gp Capt Yogesh Pai took over the command of the Unit on 03 Jul 17.In his tenure of one and half years, the Unit added many a feather in its already studded cap. The Unit had won laurels in all the NCC activities and camps where the cadets had participated. The Unit won several medals in various inter group competitions and in the All India Vayusainik camps in 2017 & 2018.The Unit also participated in the International Day of yoga, tree plantation and Swacch Bharat Abhiyaan.
Wg Cdr D Bharath, the new Commanding Officer is a very experienced helicopter pilot who has about 3400 flying hours to his credit. He is a Helicopter Combat Leader and a supervisor with Right Hand Seat qualification. He was posted to Air Headquarters (Vayu Bhawan) at New Delhi, where he was involved in procurement of helicopters, prior to assuming Command of this Unit.