The Karnataka high court has directed the police not to take precipitative action against Aaj Tak news channel’s consulting editor Sudhir Chaudhary in an FIR filed against him, but said that there was a prima facie case against him, and it should be investigated.
The court also said that it would dispose of the petition filed by Chaudhary challenging the FIR and that there was no need for custodial interrogation till then.
The interim order sought by Chaudhary for stay was not granted as the HC ordered the petition to be posted for hearing on September 20.
Chaudhary had challenged the FIR lodged at the Seshadripuram police station in Bengaluru after a complaint by Shivakumar S, the assistant administrative officer of the Karnataka Minorities Development Corporation Limited.
The single judge bench of Justice Hemant Chandangoudar who heard the petition observed during the hearing that there was a prima facie case for investigation.