Published On : Sat, Jun 29th, 2024

Video: Not Again! Now Dead Insect Found in Sambar at Uttar Dakshin by Naivedhyam, Sadar, Nagpur


Uttar Dakshin by Naivedhyam

Nagpur: In another concerning incident highlighting hygiene standards at prominent restaurants, a dead insect was discovered in a serving of Sambar at Uttar Dakshin by Naivedhyam located in Sadar on Saturday morning.

The incident came to light when Palpal Verma, a customer enjoying breakfast with friends, encountered the unsettling discovery.


“I visited Uttar Dakshin in Sadar around 8:30 am today with friends and ordered 2 plates of Idli-Vada. To our shock, we found a large dead insect in our Sambar. When we brought this to the attention of the management, they initially offered a complimentary meal in exchange for our discretion. However, we declined and requested the bill. After some discussion, they provided us a bill stamped ‘PAID’,” Verma said.

“This incident raises serious concerns about hygiene and food safety standards at such well-known eateries,” he stressed.

Incidents involving foreign objects in food items have sadly become too frequent in Nagpur, highlighting ongoing concerns among residents about food safety.