Kolkata: After West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee accused Governor Keshari Nath Tripathi of threatening her, the latter on Tuesday expressed shock over the language used by the former in her press conference and said there was nothing in the talks between the two for which she might have felt insulted or threatened.
“I am surprised at the attitude and language used by Mamata Banerjee during the press conference today. The talks between us were confidential in nature and no one is expected to disclose it. However, there was nothing in the talks for which she might have felt insulted, threatened or humiliated,” the letter issued by the Governor stated.
The letter further read that being the guardian of the state, it is the right of the Governor to bring the grievance of the people to the notice of the Chief Minister and Tripathi did the same.
“The Governor, being the Head of the State, is the guardian of all the citizens of the State and not of any particular party or section of society. It is proper for the Governor to bring to the notice of the Chief Minister any serious grievance made by any member of public or any serious event happening in the State. The Governor cannot remain a mute spectator of the affairs in the State,” the letter quoted.