Nagpur: The Social Security Branch of Nagpur Police arrested a notorious criminal in Mankapur police area and seized a mauser gun and three live cartridges from his possession in the intervening night of Thursday and Friday.
The accused goon has been identified as Amir Sheikh Bashir Sheikh (32), a resident of Plot No. 56, Minimata Nagar, Godhni Road, Mankapur.
Acting on a tip-off, the cop raided the house of the accused at the above address in the intervening night of Thursday and Friday and frisked him. The cops found a country-made mauser pistol worth Rs 50,000 and three live cartridges worth Rs 3,000 in his possession.
An offence under Section 3/25 of Arms Act was registered against the accused and he was arrested. After medical examination, the accused Amir Sheikh Bashir Sheikh was handed over to Mankapur police for further course of action.