Nagpur: The National Service Scheme Unit of Rastrasant Tukdoji Maharaj Nagpur University organized various competitions on the “International Youth Day”. This event provided a platform for the aspirants interested in showcasing their talents combined with a competitive spirit.
The NSS Unit of Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering and Research Student Volunteers organized the event with total enthusiasm and determination on August 12, 2016 at Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering campus.
District Co-Ordinator of NSS Dr. Keshav Walke delivered his speech to inspire the youth. He talked on International Youth Day and motivated the student too.
Over 300 students participated in the events. The event encouraged the participation of the staff members too. The students who had equipped themselves for the quiz competition participated with great gusto. The Quiz included topics included General Knowledge, Renewable Energy and Global Warming.
A total of 70 students participated for the essay competition with the title “Literacy a Weapon to Eradicate Poverty”. This essay competition gave the students liberty to express their views according to their perspective.
Simultaneously a poster making competition themed “Substainable Products to Save the Mother Earth” infused more enthusiasm in the to exhibit their talent through their art work where they expressed their ideas through many color and forms with relative captions and slogans.
The Head of NSS Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering, Rohit Himte, the Principal and the Staff congratulated the participants and the winners and hoped they would continue their college spirits.