Nagpur: At last it happened, giving a big relief to the parents forced to bear financial pressure at the hands of educational institutions. Following the series of irregularities exposed by Nagpur Today, where educational institutions were found operating in violation of strictures imposed as a part of lockdown, seeking money from parents amid global pandemic, the office of Deputy Director of Education finally stepped in and pull down the curtains on online classes too.
The orders issued by Deputy Director of Education, Anil Pardhi on Monday, prohibits even ‘online classes’ initiated by educational institutions, besides barring the physical walk-in classes.
Nagpur Today had received dozens of complaints about the whimsical move of prominent educational institutions seeking money from gullible parents on the pretext of online classes. Despite exposing the matter, the Education Department, so far had failed to take any stern cognizance in this regard. This had also hinted at the murky nexus between Education Department and the schools.
This was followed by the series of protests of the parents against the mushrooming irregularities in their wards’ schools.
Now, the Deputy Director of Education has clarified that there will be no classes (both online and offline) at any educational institutions unless the State Government gives it’s nod.