Nagpur News: In a fast paced development. Rashtra Sant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University administration has cleared proposals of affiliation to more than 110 colleges. The cleared proposals also included that of the colleges projecting ME/MTech courses.
However, while granting the affiliations, the 90-members team did not bother go through Local Enquiry Committee (LEC) reports pertaining to the veracity of these colleges/courses, and cleared them all with a voice vote.
The proposals were said to have been okayed under pressure from members, most of whom are from private college managements.
At presentNagpurUniversitycomprises 37 postgraduate teaching departments (PGTD), three constituent colleges/institutions (Law college, Laxminarayan Institute of Technology, andCollegeofEducation). In all 810 colleges are affiliated with the university..
The research programs are conducted in almost all the 37 PGTDs, while the three constituent colleges entail M. Phil., Ph. D. and Post-Doctorate. University Hobby Workshop conducts regular training programs in the areas of Photography, Painting, Clay modeling, Carpentry, Electronics, etc.
With the host of vocational and non vocational courses, ignoring the important reports from local enquiry committee could dampen the prospects of quality education.