Just a while ago, Badlapur and Hunterr actress Radhika Apte was all over the media with controversies about leaked nude pictures (which she denied were hers) and a video leak, with filmmaker Anurag Kashyap filing a Police Complaint and going to town over it.
But all the scandalous hue and cry on the social media does not seem to have helped Apte with a response at the box-office. Her new Telegu film Lion starring her with actor-politician Nandamuri Balakrishna and Trisha Krishnan is reported to have ‘meowed’ at the regional box-office.
Talking about its collections, trade analyst Trinath told the media that in four days since its release, the film managed to earn a meager share at the turnstiles in India. Last week, Bollywood PR guru Dale Bhagwagar had stated that the girl may have jumped on the hype bandwagon without a back-up crisis-management and image-building strategy in place.
Radhika would now need a solid plan and footing to bounce back. After all, she seems, to have already fallen in the over-exposed bracket in the media. It’s a case of too much with no control.