Published On : Mon, Oct 7th, 2013

NVCC forms ‘action committee’ to curb corruption


Nagpur News : In a recently held Executive Committee meeting on 27th September 2013, the matter concerning ‘Corruption’ was discussed by the members. It was a general feeling that corruption is a major hindrance in development and traders are victim of corruption, harassed and extorted by the officers while doing their business.

After discussions Dipen Agrawal, President of NVCC proposed that an Action Committee would be constituted amongst the members of the Chamber. The main object of the Action Committee would be to go into the details of harassment made by the officers and save traders from corruption by the members of Action Committee. To teach the officer a lesson, the Action Committee members shall blacken the face of the officers in his office if found that the officer is regular offender and corrupt.


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Dipen Agrawal, President of the Chamber appeals the trading community to submit their problems specially concerning harassment and demanding bribe in day to day business to the Chamber which would be kept secret/confidential and looked into by the members of the Action Committee and guide them properly. Traders are requested to co-operate in this matter so that they can do their business without any hindrance.

Following prominent present were Sarvashri Govindlal Sarda, Jagdish V. bang, Past Presidents, Mayur Panchmatia, Ajaykumar Madan, Vice Presidents, Hemant Gandhi, Secretary, Manubhai Soni, Sachin A. Puniyani, Ashok Sanghvi, Jt. Secretaries, Chunibhai Shah, Arjundas Ahuja, Abhishek Jha, Bharatkumar V. Thakkar, Bharatbhai S. Thakkar, Farooquebhai Akbani, Gajanand B. Gupta, Govind Mantri, Natwar Patel, Prabhakar Deshmukh, Pratap Motwani, Rajeshkumar Ohri, Shabbar Shakir, Suhash Kshirsagar, Sanjayraj Modh Saraf, Santosh Kabra, Umesh Patel, Vijay Kewalramani, Viren Chandak, Ajaykumar Patni, Dhiraj Maloo, Hastimal Kataria, Rajan Agarwal, Narayan D. Toshniwal members were present, states in a press note issued by Shri Hemant Gandhi, Hon. Secretary of Chamber.
