Nagpur: The deadly nylon manja continues to wreak havoc in Nagpur. In yet another incident, the banned nylon manja slit a youth’s throat near Bhim Chowk in Yashodhara Nagar on Monday. The 18-year old boy has been admitted to a hospital. The victim seems to be out of danger after timely medical attention.
Recently, a minor girl in Nagpur was seriously injured when the manja slit her throat while playing in Farookh Nagar locality in the city. Fortunately the girl survived after receiving 26 stitches.
The incidents have once again brought the menace of sale and use of banned nylon manja in limelight. Though Nagpur police have taken action against some vendors, they have failed to enforce a ban on its sale in the city as the incidents show.
Last year, the 20-year old Pranay Prakash Thakre was killed near Imambada after the deadly nylon manja slit his throat. He died on the spot with his respiratory tract cut off by the manja. This was the third death related to kite-flying last year.