Nagpur: Sandipani Junior College students radiated jubilance as they bagged medals at various competitions organized by National Science Olympiad Foundation during the session 2017-2018. Vidhi Tuteja won gold, Sarang Velankar bagged silver while Piyush Tembekar clinched the bronze medal at IEO. NSO gold medals were bagged by Sahil Ansari and Sana Sheikh. Ankita Patel won silver and Samrudh Ghughare won bronze medals. Sana Sheikh and Rohit Shende also bagged gold medals for Maths Olympiad. Piyush Tembekar and Shradha Neware won silver and bronze medals respectively in IMO. In NCO Sejal Choudhary and Sahil Ansari won gold medals while Shruti Saraf and Pooja Ghorpade won silver and Ashwin Tiwari bagged bronze medal.
Students also claimed medals in ICSO where Vidhi Tuteja, Shajda Ansari and Tina Kalambe won gold, Anushree Joshi won silver and Himani Bisht won bronze for the same.
The School President Rajashri Shrikant Jichkar, Chief Advisor Lata Thergaonkar, School Manager Mrunalini Kale, Principal Shanthi Menon and all teachers congratulated the winners on their commendable performance. This glorious achievement was guided ably by Pallavi Goutam, Mini Das, Rajani Jagtap, Roshni Joshi, Hamid Sheikh and Dewal Kiran.