Ranbir Kapoor’s new avatar from Sanjay Dutt biopic has left us speechless. After acing the walk, Ranbir has got the look of Sanjay Dutt point on. While earlier the actor was seen flaunting long locks just like Sanju Baba did in his young age, now it seems that Ranbir is shooting for the part where Sanjay is old, and we just cannot contain our excitement seeing his makeover. It both shocking and amusing at the same time.
It wouldn’t be wrong to say that Ranbir is acing the game of getting into the skin of his characters. But this film looks an exception, as every look of Ranbir that has gone viral over the internet so far, he has not disappointed, rather upped the excitement among his fans who are patiently waiting for the film to release.
Ranbir’s latest pic where he is sporting a beard and grey hair has gone viral on social media and has already been shared by several fan clubs.
Earlier, we all were in a double mind whether or not Ranbir will be able to pull off the character of Bollywood’s Munna Bhai who is an epitome of machoism as against Ranbir who is soft, sophisticated and has a lover boy aura around him. But seeing the preparations he has done for the Sanjay Dutt biopic, it seems he has pulled up his socks to maintain the tag of the best actor that he regained with Ae Dil Hai Mushkil.
At an event in Mumbai, Ranbir said that 60% of film’s shoot has been wrapped up. He said, “As you can see, I’m in the look of Sanjay Dutt and the movie is 60 per cent complete and soon it will get over. It feels very proud that I’m doing the Sanjay Dutt biopic and I’m very thankful to Vinod sir (Vidhu Vinod Chopra) and Sanjay sir specially.”