Computer Science & Engineering Department of Priyadarshini J L College of Engineering has organized Inter Collegiate level One Day workshop on “Problem Solving” in association with ACM Nagpur Chapter recently. The Event was inaugurated by Chief Guest Mr. Vinit Kapur, Secretary ACM Nagpur Chapter along with Guest of Honor Dr. Umesh Deshpande, Mr. Dhaniram Kshirsagar & Mr. Laxman Potbhare. Dr. Umesh Deshpande focuses on how to solve Algorithms in very efficient manner.
Mr. Dhaniram Kshirsagar provided hands on practices on Algorithm challenge solving on Hacker ranks and took the session on how to deal with Complexity of an algorithm.
Students from various colleges have participated and benefited through this workshop. The workshop was organized by Dr. V. P. Balpande, Head CSE under the guidance of Dr. A. M. Shende, Principal PJLCE. Mr. Ravindra Jogekar coordinates the event along with all faculty members. Comparing & vote of thanks given by Ms. Ketki Sabde.