Nagpur: The Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis may find himself in an embarrassing situation after realising this. On Friday when the Prime Minister Narendra Modi was attending slew of programmes on the occasion of Ambedkar Jayanti in Nagpur, the social media team of Fadnavis was busy updating the latter’s Facebook page. However inadvertently they over looked a glitch that just happened.
Sharing Modi’s video on the official FB page of Devendra Fadnavis, the team accompanied a line which wrongly spelled Ambedkar as ‘Ambekar’!!!
The led to an embarrassing situation as hordes of visitors bore the testimony to this glitch which made the entire update quite ridiculous. The update stated – Hon’ble PM Narendra Modi in Nagpur on the auspicious occasion of Ambekar Jayanti for launching many initiatives for Maharashtra and nation.(PART2). The glitch went unnoticed by the CM’s social media team until Nagpur Today catch hold of the spell error.
Meanwhile one of the FB users, reportedly a journalist posted a comment requesting to correct the spelling, however the status remain unchanged till time of going to post.