Published On : Sun, Oct 27th, 2013

Ophthalmologists play a key role in Aesthetics: Dr. Goel


eyeNagpur Today.

“Ophthalmologists play a key role in aesthetics as the eye is the aesthetic center of the face” said Dr. Shubra Goel in the Oculoplasty session of the 33rd Annual Maharashtra Ophthalmic Conference organized by the Vidarbha Ophthalmic Society and MOSCON 2013, held in Nagpur in Hotel Centre Point on October 26, 2013.

Dr. Goel, an experienced ophthalmologist with expertise in plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery around the eyes, briefed about the surgery with an aesthetic sense rendering natural looks with minimal risks and a wide array of surgical and non surgical cosmetic procedures for enhancing and restoring the natural beauty and shape of the eyelids, face &forehead.

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She also focused on other procedures like cosmetic Botox and soft tissue filler injections, facial fat transfer, treatment for dark circle and conditions like surgical repair of droopy eyelids, congenital (by birth) eyelid abnormalities, and tear duct ( watery eyes), socket  ( sunken or hollow eyes) abnormalities, mole and scar removal, abnormal ( inturning or out turning ) eyelid positions. She said that my mantra is to Look Good and Feel Good.

At the session of Squint II, Pediatric ophthalmologist and Squint Specialist Dr. Mihir Kothari explained the techniques of Minimal Invasive Squint Surgery. He said that the squint in children is most often caused by a defective circuit in the brain, even though the child may otherwise have absolutely normal neural functions. Also, squint in ADULTS is either from childhood which is again most often caused by a defective circuit in the brain. If it is not from childhood, adult squint is caused by loss of vision or defective eye muscle function in adult hood. The Minimal Invasive Squint surgery was shown and explained in details to the students and doctors of Ophthalmology present in the session.

Other topics like Transposition Procedures for Retus muscle, S.O.Tendon Spacers and Nystagmus Surgeries were explained by Dr. Hemalini Samant and Dr. P. Sharma respectively in the Squint II session.
