Chennai: Tamil Nadu CM O Pannerselvam leaves for the Golden Bay resort at Koovathur where AIADMK MLAs corralled by Sasikala over the eight days have been staying. In fact, Sasikala has also been staying at the resort since last night and held a meeting immediately with her MLAs after the SC verdict. She expelled O Panneerselvam from the party and has had Edappadi Palanisamy, a minister loyal to her, elected as the ruling party’s new leader in the assembly. Palanisamy, who is the state’s PWD minister, will stake claim to be the next chief minister, challenging interim chief minister Panneerselvam.
At least 119 MLAs are believed to be at the resort, with one MLA escaping in ‘disguise’ wearing a T-shirt and bermudas, according to a media report.
AIADMK MP Thambidurai says O Panneerselvam is a betrayer. “He betrayed our party, there is only one party, Edappadi will lead us. We will file a review petition, a new legislative party leader has been elected.”