Amid protests against Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Padmavati, the Indian Films and TV Directors’ Association (IFTDA), along with 20 other bodies of the film and television industry, is planning a 15-minute blackout in support of the film and “to protect the right to freedom of expression of creative individuals”.
Confirming the plan, Ashoke Pandit of IFTDA said, “We will keep showing our support for Padmavati and Bhansali because it is the basic right of a creative person to tell a story in his own way. Sanjay is a responsible filmmaker, and making a film on history is not something easy for him but a big responsibility. To express our solidarity (with the film), we are gathering on Sunday for a 15-minute blackout where all shooting units in Mumbai will put off lights and no shootings will take place.”
“We strongly protest against the non-institutional bodies who every now and then protest against movies and threaten actors and makers of films. We will keep condemning their actions in a democratic manner. We have faith in our Prime Minister…for justice to ‘Padmavati’,” Pandit added.
Earlier this month, IFTDA, along with several other cine bodies, came together in support of Padmavati. “We as film industry feel hurt every time such groups target our films and try to control our freedom of expression. Unfortunately, we do not get support from any other industry, not even from the government as if we are orphans as a community,” he said.