The Border Security Force (BSF) informed on Tuesday that its personnel have either successfully shot down or recovered 100 Pakistani drones, through which attempts were made to smuggle narcotics, arms and ammunition into Indian territory, to date.
The BSF said it has devised a ‘three-pronged strategy’ in a bid to curtail the movement of drugs and other narcotic substances into Indian territory on the sly.
The forces added that they successfully apprehended smugglers, who were ‘facilitating’ the smuggling of narcotics through drones.
In a series of posts on X, the BSF Punjab Frontier stated, “Till now, in 2023, BSF Punjab has successfully shot down or recovered 100 Pakistani drones being used by anti-national elements to smuggle narcotics, arms, and ammunition into Indian territory.”.
“Apart from recovering drones, narcotics, and arms, BSF has also successfully apprehended smugglers who were facilitating smuggling through drones,” the BSF added in its post.