Nagpur: Amid the rising fear of second wave of Covid-19 seeping into the city, with the number of positive cases touching nearly 500 mark on Sunday, District Collector Ravindra Thakre left the anxious parents in lurch as he announced that the schools in rural Nagpur will start from November 26.
It is pertinent to mention that the Covid cases in the district are on the rise once again. Out of 485 fresh cases reported on Sunday, 416 cases were from rural Nagpur. The Municipal Chief, Radhakrishnan B has deferred the reopening of the schools in the city till December 13. The schools in the rural areas however are being opened earlier. Even teachers associations of rural areas raised questions on the working style of the District Administration.
The aim of the education is to provide inclusive education to all but in the Covid era it is not being followed. The purpose of inclusive education is failing owing to the change of decision by the Government from time to time. Parents had complained that private schools have charged fees for the facilities their wards are not going to avail, at least during the initial months of the academic year when teaching-learning is taking place online.
While many schools have retained the fee structure for the academic year 2020-2021, parents said schools have charged fees for use of libraries, laboratories, sports, gymnasium facilities, among others, that students that are unable to access. The move has brought financial burden on parents, who are already facing pay-cuts owing to the global pandemic.
No action on fee harassment for online classes
Nagpur Today had been receiving a series of complaints about the whimsical move of prominent educational institutions seeking money from gullible parents on the pretext of online classes. Despite exposing the matter, the Education Department, so far had failed to take any stern cognizance in this regard. This was followed by the series of protests of the parents against the mushrooming irregularities in their wards’ schools.
– Shubham Nagdeve