Nagpur News: The Central Railway’s Nagpur Divisional Manager Brijesh Dixit has opened a bouquet of goodies at the time as perfect as Republic Day. People of Nagpur would soon be facilitated with two new passenger trains running from Ajni railway station. Dixit informed that Ajni-Amravati and Ajni-Ballarshah passenger trains would be started in a month.
This apart, on the occasion of the 64th Republic Day, a painting competition based on railway theme has also been inaugurated as part of Rail Kalasangam Program in order to encourage art. Divisional Commissioner BV Gopal Reddy inaugurated the event on Friday.
As the works of new terminal at Ajni railway station end, the trains would be started. Ajni- Amravati passenger would depart from Ajni at 6.30 pm and reach Amravati at 9.10 pm. Train from Amravati will start 5:45 am and reach Ajni at 8:15 am. Ajni-Ballarshah train would start from Ajni at 8.10 pm and reach Ballarshah at 3:10 am. From Ballarshah it would depart at 3:30 am to reach Ajni 11:15 am. Dixit assured both the trains would be started in a month’s time.
Meanwhile, the ongoing painting competition will be followed by an exhibition displaying arts by the participants. Central Railway General Manager Subodh Jain would inaugurate the exhibition on 27th January. The event is being jointly organised by Central Railway Nagpur and South Central Regional Cultural Center.
16 renowned artists from various parts of the country including Nagpur are participating in this unique event.
Gunwant Devghar, Bijoy Biswal, Professor Gaffar, Professor Zafar, Revde, Professor Joshi and Maruti Shelke, all from Nagpur are participating in the competition.
The artists from other cities include Ramesh Chauhan from Bijapur, Raghvendra Patil from Bengaluru, HP Dhatuk from Surat, Kaushik Gajjar, B Sujatadevi from Vishakhapattnam, Kanak Durgeshwar Rao from Vijaynagar and Dr. Lalit Parashar from Amritsar and Pankaj Mandal from Kolkata.