Nagpur: Following oil marketing companies revised the fuel prices on Friday night, petrol surpassed the Rs 100/liter mark creating an all-time high record in the Second Capital of the State. Petrol will be sold at a price of Rs 100.02/- per liter in the city on Saturday, as the new rates are applicable for the following day.
Petrol price was Rs 99.77/- per liter on Friday which gained 25 paise per liter to reach its all-time high. Diesel price also saw a jump of 29 paise per liter on Friday night to touch a new high of Rs 90.62/- per liter. On Friday, diesel price was Rs 90.33/- per liter. Even as the fight against the novel coronavirus continues and peo- ple cutting across all sections of the society are facing hardship due to it, fuel prices are showing consistent hikes for the past couple of weeks.