Aarohanam Art Society along with ‘Then Nagpur Photography Club’ had organised a photo walk on 21st October 2019. The theme of the photo walk was to capture the fashion portraits on streets of Nagpur. In total 6 models and 40 photographers from Nagpur had participated in the event.
Four teams were formed with one or two model to each group, the models and the photographers carried out the entire shoot on the streets of Nagpur.
This was the first time in Nagpur that such a concept theme was carried out in Nagpur without disturbing the daily life of the people. The event Organising team Anurag Bhattacharya, Chetna Borkar and Rajahs Vaidya, worked for the success of the walk.
Aarohanam Art Society along with Then Nagpur Photography Club is also organising ISA Mostra a National Level Photography Exhibition and competition for Armature Photographers in Nagpur on 14th and 15thDecember 2019, to apply mail on isamostra@hotmail.com last date to apply 5thNovember Alternately contact on 9923989437,7304459667.