Nagpur: The Department of Electrical Engineering has organized an Industrial visit for final year students at HVDC Chandrapur on 14 September 2016. A group of 55 students went to this visit accompanied by 3 faculty members of the department. The objective of this visit was to make aware how various activities related to production of power and conversion of AC power to DC power also application of Electrical Engineering are carried at HVDC station. The students also updated their knowledge on the latest technology used in Electrical Engineering.
The idea behind the visit was explicit. It was taken up to make these budding engineers aware about the working session that is carried out in substation. The officer S.G. Kotti Ad Ex. Engineer & Dy. Exe. V.N. Bhalerao, S.G. Mishra, T. Chandrashekar (Dy) briefed the students about the working that takes place there. Appa. Upangalwar Ex-Retired officer guided & supported the students. It indeed was a worthy experience for the students as they encountered one of their future workplaces. The officers were kind enough to help the students with their queries.
Dr. R.V. Kshirsagar Principal P.I.G.C.E. encouraged and appreciated the students and faculty members for the successful of the visit. Prof. U.B Malkhandale HoD Electrical Engineering supported &alsoapprecaited the students for the visit. Prof. A.B. Walde played an immense role in making this visit a propitious one. The students and faculty members were really grateful to the officer & his staff for being so co-operative and enlightening their minds with practical sessions. Prof.V.G. Umale and Prof. S.B. Bhaladhare were present during the visit.