Mumbai: A Maharashtra Congress spokesperson on Sunday lodged a complaint with Nagpur Police against Delhi Bharatiya Janata Party leader Jay Bhagwan Goyal for allegedly hurting the sentiments of people by comparing Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj in his book.
Goyal’s book is titled Aaj ke Shivaji- Narendra Modi.
In the complaint filed by Congress spokesman Atul Londhe, he said by comparing Modi to Shivaji Maharaj the writer has insulted the warrior king.
“Delhi BJP leader Jay Bhagwan Goyal has penned the book titled “Aaj ke Shivaji- Narendra Modi”. He unveiled the book at BJP office and also tweeted about it,” he said.
“The book compares PM Narendra Modi to Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, who is adored by crores of people. Comparing Modi or anyone else to Shivaji Maharaj hurts our feelings. By doing so, the book has disrespected Chhatrapti Shivaji and his works,” Londhe said in the complaint.
In his complaint, the Congress leader sought action against Goyal, the publisher of the book and its distributor.