Nagpur: Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC) has not done proper planning in its working though the population of Nagpur has increased as compared to the last 4 decades. The property in city has also increased 2 ½ times. The main source income of NMC is suffering. Municipal Commissioner should take the matter seriously and call for a meeting of retired employees of the department, experts, persons and organisation dealing in the matter to discuss the steps to raise NMC’s income. While discussing and taking important decision to improve the working of property tax department, the white collared persons should be kept at bay, ‘Nagpur Today’ has demanded.
It may be mentioned, the population of Nagpur before 1975 was10 lakh and so there were just 75 wards. The properties were of just Rs 2 lakh. The administration in those days had divided the work in three deptts- tax valuation, collection and warrant. Each tax collector had the responsibility of collecting tax of 800 properties. Today the wards have increased from 75 to 151 and the population from 10 lakh to 30 lakh. Even after 42 years the property tax department compared to today’s standard remains same. The vacant posts should be filled on merit and experience and the department should increase as per today’s need. Again in 2021 there will be census and the property will have increased and also the population by 5 lakh. In the present day it is seen that though the population has increased yet the employees in the property tax department are in a declining number. The result of this is that the technical department is taking employees from non-technical department. Due to this the work is getting hampered and a lot of mistakes are coming to fore. There are no officials to curb theses mistakes. This has been affecting the revenue generation and collection. Neither the officials nor the leaders at NMC are bothered about the problem.
Revaluation work not yet completed
After 1988, not even 70 per cent work of revaluation has been completed. More than thousand properties have been valued. Most of the educational institutes like – Ramdeobaba College, LAD, Upper LAD, VNIT etc. are in residential areas and are paying just residential property tax not the commercial one. The Property Tax department despite being brought to notice the problem is yet keeping quiet. Since 1996 the revaluation work was given to private parties. A few years ago the work was given to Cybertech whose working is said to be objectionable and same was discussed in the general meeting hours together. The NMC department is aware and has experienced the working of the private parties.
Common man’s demand
The people feel that if the work of valuation is done by the employees of NMC and Property Tax Department manually it will save time and money. This will increase the revenue. The vacant post of technical and non-technical should be filled. There should sub division of Valuation, Collection and Warrant departments. With positive attitude the mistakes should be rectified so that there is rise in revenue. This will also decrease court cases.