Khapa police of Nagpur Rural arrested 13 persons on the charges of excavating sand illegally and stealing it from a river bed in the district. The cops have seized the stolen sand and vehicles including a Pokland machine collectively worth Rs 21,85,000 from the arrested accused.
Khapa police, acting on an information gathered over a period, raided the spot at the river bed and arrested the 13 accused drivers or owners of trucks. The accused were found excavating the Government sand illegally with the help of a Pokland machine and loading it in trucks. The arrested accused have been identified as Haribhau Kisan Alone of Khubala village, Giridhar Madhav Bhujade of Khapa, Vijay Shankarrao Madke of Khairi, Mohan Suresh Dhande of Khapa, Sanjay Vinayak Dhobale of Nandapur, Bhumeshwar Umashankar Sahu, Anil Ramnath Uike of Khurajgaon, Raju Prabhakar Bagde of Nagalwadi, Dadarao Bapurao Ivnate of Khapa, Gautam Udaram Borkar of Khairi, Rajkumar Shankarrao Nagose of Khaparkheda and Mohd Irshad Ansari Mohd Majnu Ansari of Nagpur. Cops have seized the stolen sand some vehicles worth Rs 21,85,000 from the arrested accused.
Based on a complaint lodged by Mahendra Sopandeo Tambde, Divisional Officer, Kelvad, cops have registered an offence against the 13 accused under Sections 379, 511, 109, 34 of the IPC and placed them under arrest.