Nagpur: Nandanvan Police arrested a drug addict and recovered four stolen cellphones worth Rs 40,000 from him and seized Bajaj Pulsar 220 motorcycle (MH-49/BN-2956) collectively worth Rs 1.30 lakh from him.
Identified as Shyam Ramnath Rajput (25), the accused is a resident of Lakadganj slums.
Rajput and two of his accomplices were involved in stealing cellphone and other valuables. After putting him behind bars, cops launched a search for two of his accomplices involved in several crimes.
The arrest was made by Senior PI Sandipan Pawar, HC Sanjay Sahu, HC Deviprasad Mishra, NPC Sandeep Gawli, NLC Bhimrao Thombre and PC Vinod Zingre under the supervision of DCP(Zone-IV ) Dr Akshay Shinde and ACP Vijay Marathe