Nagpur: Under the initiative taken by Nagpur Police Commissioner (CP) Amitesh Kumar and Joint CP Nagpur Aswati Dorje, Police Didi staff organised one awareness program, at Hanuman Mandir, Gawlipura, Dharampeth, near Bhole Petrol Pump, Sitabuldi on Saturday evening.
Under the guidance of Addl CP North Region Naveen Reddy, DCP Zone II Vinita S, Sr PI Atul Sabnis, Sitabuldi police station, Police Didi nodal and staff of Sitabuldi Police comprising API Dilip Chandan, HC Sarika Wankhede, NPC Ranjana Jaybhay and WPC Dipali Bhoyar led the programme for teen age girls and women.
Police didis cleared their doubts and replied to their questions in a friendly manner. The police didis have received Overwhelming response from them. They also discussed following issues with them :
1) Good touch, bad touch
2) Upcoming Diwali festival and related offences against women
3) Enquired about any specific female related issues in that area
4) Measures and precautions to ensure security of girls etc.
Under this initiative 3 women ranks and one nodal officer has been trained from all the police stations ,with special emphasis on the skills to interact with women and children and create awareness regarding issues of their safety and security along with imparting knowledge of current trends ,cyber security, social media security ,street crimes etc.