Nagpur: Ganeshpeth police have booked two owners of Angel Broking Share Market on the charges of fraud. The accused identified as Bhushan Babasaheb Manjre and Alka Manjre had promised hefty returns to get hold of investors’ money between April 2018 and April 2019 and eventually defrauded them, alleged complainant.
In his compliant, Harshad Shrihari Bhandarkar (27), a resident of Aanandam City, E/302, Modern Mill Road told Ganeshpeth police that, accused Bushan and Alka, both residents of Jaitala Road, Khamla had approached him and his brother Manish with an offer to invest Rs 90,000 in their firm Angel Broking Share Market in exchange of 10% profit per month.
As the scheme was fishy, the accused duo took Bhandarkar brothers in confident. And subsequently, the duo siphoned Rs 19.65 lakh from Harshad between April 2018 and April 2019. However, when they never made their promises of hefty returns and defrauded them instead.
Based on the complaint filed by Harshad, Ganeshpeth police have booked both Bushan and Alka Manjre under Sections 406, 420, 34 of the IPC and started the investigation.