The so-called progressive Maharashtra stands bottom of the list as far as the centers and seats in Government institutions is concerned.
Nagpur News
The State of Maharashtra, which boasts of a progressive State and an economic power of the country, has put itself on the map of India, albeit, with dubious distinction. And for different reason. The State has been found academically ill-equipped to fight the dreaded cancer disease and subsequently leaving the patients in the lurch. Contrary to the bragging and rooftop claims of overall development by the rulers, the State of Maharashtra has been found lagging far behind the rest of the country in Radiation teaching facilities. And talking of situation in Vidarbha, the region displays the worst picture.
The present status of Radiation teaching facilities, especially in the Government-run institutions, could be defined shocking as well as disappointing. Maharashtra has been found at the bottom of the list as far as the number of centers and seats in Government institutes is concerned. The backward Vidarbha is taking the maximum brunt in this aspect too having only three seats of MD Radiation Therapy. Two seats are in Government Medical College and Hospital (GMCH), Nagpur and one is in Sewagram Medical College, Wardha (private institute). A trained Radiation Oncologist is what is needed to fight the cancer effectively and the patients need the best treatment but the present situation depicts a dismal scenario.
Highlighting the problem, Dr Kamble, Head of Department, Radiation Therapy and Oncology Department, GMCH, Nagpur, said, “Radiation Therapy is an important modality in the management of cancer. The number of cancer patients is growing fast in India, mainly due to changing life style. In this situation, the increased number of cancer treatment centers, specialized doctors is need of the hour.”
Teaching facilities:
“Radiotherapy is an optional subject in MBBS curriculum, but important from the management of cancer patients point of view. Looking into the availability of Post-Graduation in Radiotherapy, we come across a disheartening situation in Maharashtra, the so-called most developed State in the nation. Facts and figures show a contradictory picture. Maharashtra State stands at the bottom of the list of 18 states as far as distribution of seats in Government Institutes is concerned.
“Maharashtra is placed at 3rd number in the nation having PG seats in 4 centers. Tata Memorial Hospital alone has 16 seats in total. It is an institute of international repute. Karnataka and Maharashtra in India are the only two States where the maximum medical colleges are in private hands. Maharashtra has only 2 seats while Karnataka and Tamilnadu have seats in two digits,”said Dr Kamble.
“Despite Government of India making all out efforts to create trained manpower in medical field and increasing the intake capacity of Post Graduate seats, the situation of Post Graduation in Radiation Therapy in Maharashtra appears to be grim. The net result is that the cancer patients are taking a severe beating as far as best treatment is concerned. This abysmal situation should be a wakeup call for the Government of Maharashtra,” asserted Dr Kamble.
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