The Achievers Pre-school, Manish Nagar organizes a Pre Independence Day celebration every year.This year to allow the children to get a feel of patriotism and be a part of the National Festival celebration from
home, The Achievers preschool planned a lot of interesting activities on 14 August 2020.
The Children practiced the patriotic song shared in the music class and sent their videos. Palm printing activity for making our National bird and creating our Flag using paper tearing technique were activities done as a part of the celebrations.Ukg class children sent videos where they spoke with confidence portraying a spirit of patriotism for their country.
On the 15 August the staff,parents and students attended the virtual Independence day celebration held by
the high school. The event incharge Ms. Vaishali Tiwari thanked all the mentors and parents for their support and
appreciated the children for their efforts.