Priyanka Chopra who has been keeping busy in slew of her Hollywood projects is going to make a comeback very soon. She is talks with several filmmakers and while, she had finalised the Kalpana Chawla biopic, looks like she will also be featuring in one more biopic on the life of another Indian astronaut. Yes, there were reports that she was keen on working with Aamir Khan in Rakesh Sharma’s biopic – Salute. And while initial reports stated that she might play his wife in the film, looks like she will be playing an astronaut for the second film in succession. A source revealed, “Well, there was some interest from her side. Because she hasn’t ever worked with Aamir Khan.”
However, before Salute, Priyanka will start shooting for the Kalpana Chawla biopic. In fact the pre-production work of the film has already started. As the source added to the daily, “Priyanka met the makers and has asked them to start the pre-production work on the film. This will be the first film to go on floors right after Quantico if all goes well.”