Nagpur News: A property dealer and his friend was abducted and beaten by goons for extortion money of Rs 3 lakh under the jurisdiction of Yashodhara Nagar Police Station. Accused Vicky Meshram called Property dealer Omprakash Dhawle and his friend Chetan to Wanjra layout, near Aajri Maajri slums, Yoshodhara Nagar on the pretext of selling plot on cheap rates. When Omprakash and Chetan reached the place, Vicky and his mates, forcefully took them into an knackers’ shop and asked them to give them Rs 3 lakh.
When Omprakash refused to give the money, Vicky and his mates beat them black and blue and threatened to kill them. Omprakash and Chetan somehow managed to escape from their grip. They reached hospital for basic treatment and then lodged a complaint with Yashodhara Nagar police against Vicky and his mates. PSI Gaddime registered an offence under Section 387, 342, 323 and 34 of the IPC. This was informed by PI Deolkar.