The Street Theatre ( Nukkad Natak) “Andhere Se Ujale Ke Taraf” aims at power supply free of load-shedding in Kanhan as the town is bearing the maximum brunt of load-shedding in the range of 6 hours.
Nagpur News: The Mahavitaran (MSEDCL) has launched a unique venture to make consumers aware of saving the power and paying the bills on time. The venture aims at reducing the load-shedding. “Consumers in the proportion of 82 per cent have been deriving the benefit of no load-shedding by saving the energy and by paying the bills on time. Now, the efforts are being made to free the 18 percent consumers of load-shedding,” MSEDCL said in a press release.
The Kanhan Town in Nagpur District is bearing the maximum brunt of load-shedding as the period ranges in between 6-6.15 hours. The reason for such a long load-shedding has been blamed for power distribution loss and non-payment of bills on time for months together. The MSEDCL venture in the form of unique awareness drive consists of street drama in the Kanhan Town. The drama “Andhere Se Ujale Ke Taraf” aims at creating the much needed awareness to save the distribution loss and payment of the bills on the dates regularly. The MSEDCL also undertook a rally and held a talk with students as a part of awareness campaign apart from the street dramas. “The effects of stealing electricity and not paying the bills on time were communicated to the consumers in an excellent manner,” the press release said.
The artists of the drama included MDEDCL’s Junior Engineer Anil Indane, Assistant Operator Avay Anjikar, Junior Engineer Swati Wasnik-Fate, Deputy Manager (Finance and Accounts), Anuja Patrikar, Assistant Accounts Officer Rajendra Mithe, LDC Pritibala Chavan and others.