Nagpur: The emotional chants of “Ganpati Bappa Morya, Pudhchya Varshi Lavkar Ya” reverberating across the city marked conclusion of 10-day Ganesh festival on Sunday. Thousands of devotees bid a tearful adieu to elephant-headed Lord Ganesh whose big and small idols were taken out in colourful processions for immersion to various water bodies.
This year, the 10-day Ganesh Festival commenced on Ganesh Chaturthi day on September 10 and culminated on Ananta Chaturdashi on September 19.
Thousands of devotees took out idols of their beloved elephant-headed deity from their homes and marched towards various water bodies amidst beats of dhols, drums and chants of ‘Ganpati Bappa Morya, Pudhchya Varshi Lavkar Ya.” Dancing and sprinkling gulal, devotees took the idols installed in homes and pandals for immersion, albeit, with heavy hearts.
With the aim of eco-friendly immersion, the Nagpur Municipal Corporation, with help of a number of voluntary organisations, had made arrangements of artificial ponds across the city to facilitate Ganesh Visarjan.
Teams of voluntary and environment organisations requested devotees to immerse idols of Lord Ganesh in the artificial ponds only. The organisations also collected Nirmalya (puja material) from devotees in order to keep lakes and surrounding area clean.
At Visarjan places, devotees performed aarti of Lord, distributed Prasad mainly consisting of Modaks, coconut, pedhas etc before bidding adieu to their beloved Deity. City cops had made elaborate arrangements to ensure the Ganesh Visarjan passes off peacefully.
Traffic police were seen monitoring and regulating movement of vehicles carrying idols of Lord. No untoward incident was reported from anywhere in the city, according to reports.