This match is categorized into Under-19 Boys and Under-19 Girls. In U-19 Boys category, Nehan Wankhede from Rajendra High School defeated Harshit Tembre from St. Michal School by 15-1.
In U-19 Girls category, Pranchi Ingle beat Apoorva Derankar, both from Hindu Girls School by 24-4.
The match is inaugurated by DSO officer, Mr. Vijay Santan and reached its peak due to the great efforts of Sports officer Mr. Sandeep khobragade, Mohammad Iqbal and Alpesh Sahare.
Divisional matches of Carrom will be starting from 5th October at Sports Complex Mankapur.
Results :
Under-19 Bovs
1) Semifinal
Nehan Wankhede ( Rajendra High School) score 15-1 beat Zafar Qureshi ( St. Michal School) Score-9-0
2) Semifinal
Harshit Tembre (St. Michal School) beat Rishabh Somkuwar (St. Michal School) by Scoring 13-0, 3-13, 16-0
Nehan Wankhede ( Rajendra High School) beat Harshit Tembre (St. Michal School) by Scoring 15-1,13-1
Under-19 Girls
1) Semifinal
Prachi Ingle ( Hindu Girls School) beat Avanti Kurewar ( Hindu Girls School) by Scoring- 24-0
2) Semifinal
Apoorva Devrankar ( Hindu Girls School) Beat Saksi Dhande ( Hindu Girls School) by Scoring- 11-10
Prachi Ingle ( Hindu Girls Schooll ) beat Apoorva Devrankar ( Hindu Girls School) by scoring 24-4.