Director-actor Rahul Bose, whose upcoming film “Poorna”, a biopic on the youngest girl in history to climb Mount Everest, says he has no wish to screen the movie at international festivals at the moment.
“We received a lot of invites from film festivals and we have said no. My aim was to bring this film to people whose hearts and minds I know best. For me, the audience in India matters the most,” Rahul told reporters here at the music launch of “Poorna” when asked about taking the film to international film festivals.
“After being in the industry for 22 years and travelling across the country, I know what touches (referring to stories) Indians,” he says.
The film is the real life story of 13-year-old Poorna Malavath, the youngest girl to climb Mount Everest.
“We are having an official screening at Rashtrapati Bhavan. The film is getting a tax-free status in Delhi, Karnataka and we are hoping other states will also do it.” Rahul says he made “Poorna” with an “aim to make a movie for the urban and rural people without subtitles.” In the past, some filmmakers have taken creative liberties while making a biopic and Rahul says he too has taken some liberties but 90 per cent of his film is real.
“I know there are biopics where you laugh and you know there is an element of dramatisation. In ‘Poorna’, except one fictitious character, everything is real. Around 85-90 per cent of the film is real. Even the locations are real except Mount Everest. Poorna and her family are aware about the film,” he says.
Meanwhile, Rahul chose not to comment on the Gurmehar Kaur issue. “I will be very happy to talk about it but only after the release of the film.”