RSS General Secretary Dattatreya Hosabale on Tuesday said that Rahul Gandhi should speak more responsibly and see the reality of the Sangh’s acceptance in society, after the Congress leader repeatedly targeted the organisation in his recent speeches.
Hosabale also said that the RSS agrees with the Centre’s view on same-sex marriage, adding that marriage can take place only between two people from opposite genders.
Asked about Gandhi’s recent remarks against the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, Hosabale said he must be doing this for his “political agenda” but RSS does not work in the political field and he has no competition with the Sangh.
“As a political party leader, he should speak more responsibly and see the reality (of Sangh’s expansion and acceptance in society),” Hosabale said at a press conference on the last day of RSS’s ‘Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha’ in Haryana.
Responding to questions on Gandhi’s remarks in the UK, the RSS leader said, “Those who converted India into a jail have no right to comment on democracy in the country.” On the question of the Sangh’s outreach to Muslims, Hosabale said RSS leaders are meeting Muslim intellectuals and their spiritual leaders on their invitation only.