Published On : Tue, Aug 23rd, 2022
By Nagpur Today Nagpur News

Raj Thackeray too late to support Nupur Sharma


MNS leader Raj Thackeray has probably woke up from deep slumber and extended support to controversial and expelled BJP leader Nupur Sharma for her offensive remarks against a particular religion. By this time no one exactly remembers neither the controversy nor the leader. She had to pay a heavy price as her party immediately dumped her and offences were registered against him all over the country.

Besides these FIRs, Nupur faced death threats from some militant people and at least two persons were beaten to death while supporting her remarks in a TV debate. Both the deceased had tweeted in her favour. One such incident happened in Rajasthan and one in our neighbouring Amravati district.

When the controversy was afresh, Thackeray was probably not well but he could have used twitter handle to support her. Now that the controversy has died down, He decided to support Nupur while addressing a meeting of his supporters. Well its too late for hims to support Nupur but nevertheless, his support will be on record.


Though his public meeting draws huge crowds but unfortunately his supremacy is not translated into votes.During last three-four Assembly elections, his party MNS could not make it a grand success and ended up with disappointment, It remains to be seen whether his latest remarks on a controversy provides hims some sympathy from the people of Maharashtra.

The forthcoming elections of BMC and other Municipal Corporations are also due and his litmus test will come out with a win in the run up to the Assembly elections in 2024. His party has confined itself to Mumbai, Thane and upto Nashik. Mere delivery of speeches and playing Hindutva card may not help him unless he makes an extensive tour of entire Maharashtra.

Joseph Rao